Homo Digitalis

1 minute read | First published: July 31, 2023
  • The Glass Room
  • Misinformation & Disinformation
  • Holistic & Digital Security
Homo Digitalis focuses on the protection of digital rights in Greece. It is present in order to promote and protect the fundamental rights and freedoms in the digital world, when the latter are challenged or jeopardized. The basic priorities of Homo Digitalis for the following years are the right to privacy, the protection of personal data, freedom of expression and freedom of opinion, freedom of information, property rights, access to justice and the prohibition of discrimination. It was founded in 2018. Homo Digitalis has over 100 members (regular members and volunteer members). They help the legislators understand issues related to human rights in the contemporary digital era. Additionally, they raise public awareness regarding digital rights by organizing public campaigns, contributing in common actions and publishing informative content. Moreover, when digital rights are jeopardized by public or private actors, they carry out investigations, conduct studies and proceed to legal actions.

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