People at the Glass Room Exhibition

About us

Tactical Tech is a creative international non-profit with over two decades of experience dedicated to exploring the socio-political and environmental impacts of technology on society. We work to empower individuals and communities to navigate and mitigate the ways digital technologies change their lives and transform societies.
Advancing knowledge, critical thinking and capacity building are central to our work. Through our Tactical Tech Studio, focused on Digital Literacy and our Tactical Tech Institute, we conduct research on the intersection of technology and society and develop creative, engaging and evidence-based interventions, resources, and tools —such as exhibitions, kits, guides and training programs — that confront conventional narratives and provoke critical thinking about technology impacts. Our interventions and resources spark conversations and drive transformative action.
Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We work closely with individuals, communities, and a global network of partners in education, culture, independent media, civil society, and relevant decision-makers. Together, we co-develop resources that our partners use, adapt, build upon, and often localize to engage and empower their communities.
We aim to redefine digital society by building the skills, understanding, and capacity of individuals and communities, enabling them to navigate and respond to the challenges and opportunities created by digital technologies.

Our mission

Tactical Tech builds the capacity of individuals and communities to navigate and shape our collective social, political and environmental futures within the context of digital transformation. We achieve this through creative, collaborative, and impactful initiatives designed to be replicable, scalable, and adaptable: building society's capacity to tackle technology's impacts.

The challenge we solve

Communities and individuals urgently need to respond to the escalating negative effects of climate change, growing social polarisation, economic crisis, conflicts and continuous new threats to democracies worldwide. These transformations are interconnected and coincide with the rapid advance of digitalisation through data-driven, algorithmic, and artificial intelligence technologies, giving rise to solutions as well as new challenges.
The evolving relationship between technology and socio-political and environmental shifts shapes the way societies function, posing new questions. In the context of digital acceleration, which power structures are further entrenched and which pose new challenges? How are opinions influenced and formed, and how does this intersect with democratic processes? How do digital technologies inform the way societies respond to the challenges they face and what options they have? These challenges require diverse actors and communities to develop new capabilities at the individual, community and societal levels.
By collaborating and serving the needs of a diverse range of communities, individuals, organisations and related experts, we will build the necessary resources, skills and knowledge that enable them to navigate and mitigate these complex challenges.

Our methodology

Decentralised scaling methodology: Our creative educational tools and methodologies are accessible for use by diverse audiences

Tactical Tech’s creative and engaging resources and interventions are open-source, adaptable, scalable and localisable, making them accessible to diverse audiences. Our partners worldwide use, adapt and localise them according to their specific goals and the needs of their communities. Our collaborations enable us to learn from our partners, continuously improving our resources.

Partnership-based approach: We collaborate with partners across the world to create sustainable impact

We collaboratively as a way to build the capacity of existing social structures – such as libraries, schools, and community centres as well as field influencers, journalists and rights organisations. During the last two decades, we have built a global network of partners on all continents who lead local conversations and transformations around digital challenges by engaging and involving their communities.

What we are proud of

  • Our initiatives and projects have started conversations in at least 90 countries around practical and proactive responses to the challenges created by digital technologies.
  • Over 500 partners have been protagonists of this collaborative journey, with whom we have joined forces to reach, impact and engage communities worldwide.
  • 30 million people have been reached directly and engaged in conversations about how technology impacts their lives, societies and democracy and what are the practical alternatives to mitigate them.
  • Thanks to our collaboration with partners, our educational resources are available in 45 languages.
  • More than 1000 events have been hosted by Tactical Tech and partners worldwide.
Video produced by Tactical Tech