Fundación Cauce Ciudadano: using art as a medium to promote digital literacy among young people in Mexico

3 minutes read | First published: November 1, 2023
Picture displaying the What The Future Want exhibition hosted by Cauce
Ciudadano at Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño
What is the relationship between art and our digital future? Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño, an initiative of Cauce Ciudadano, in the municipality of La Paz, Mexico, provides an insightful example of how art and technology intersect to engage communities in conversation about the impact of digital technologies on our lives.
The initiative hosted a workshop called "Retoño Lab 3G - Digital Art for the Future," where they used innovative methods of digital creation to expand digital skills among the community members. This not only equipped young people and women with valuable tools and knowledge but also encouraged critical thinking about the responsible use of technology. The outcome of this workshop, which resulted in the creation of 13 original artworks developed through digital manufacturing processes, ranging from objects made out of e-waste or created though sublimation printing, laser cutters and 3d printers, highlights how art can provoke conversations and raise awareness about the implications of digital technologies on the lives of young people.
  • A person exploring one of the installations, consisting of a video playing on a mobile phone to spark discussion around workers' rights and their media representation, at the exhibition
    Photos by Cauce Ciudadano. Image 1: a person exploring one of the installations created by the Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño team at the exhibition at Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño
  • One of the young people of the Fab Lab working on one of the installations present at the exhibition
    Image 2: one of the young people of the Fab Lab working on one of the installations, entitled 'Monster Company', displayed at the exhibition
Furthermore, Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño recognized the importance of understanding the community's perceptions and ideas about digital technologies. They conducted a survey covering various topics related to the impacts of technology, gender differences in technology use, and the opportunities and challenges that digital technology presents. This research provided valuable insights that informed their approach to addressing digital issues within the community.
The culmination of these efforts was the Digital Art exhibition titled "What the Future Wants." This exhibition featured 13 original artworks and allowed over 80 community members to interact with the pieces. It encouraged visitors to reflect on how digital technology will shape the future for younger generations.
  • The poster announcing the exhibition organised and hosted by Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño
    The poster announcing the exhibition organised and hosted by Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño
  • Opening of the What the Future Wants exhibition at Fab Lab Ciudad Retoño
    Opening of the What the Future Wants exhibition
What's striking about this initiative is how it engaged young people who initially may not have been familiar with or interested in these topics. Through the creative process and the thought-provoking exhibition, they became enthusiastic about exploring the impacts of digital technologies further.
Final report by Ana González Martínez, Innovation and Technology coordinator