Digital Enquirer Kit: 2022 Summer Training Series

In this training series, experts who co-wrote the Digital Enquirer Kit course and other resources, provide you with skills, tools and best practices in digital security and adjacent and relevant topics. Watch the video recordings below:
Securing Your Online Accounts
Lecturer: Nikita Mazurov, co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
Everything you want to know about how to keep your online accounts secure, including: how to maximize privacy settings, set up advanced protection (what exactly is 'two-factor authentication'?), use a password manager, monitor your account for signs of take-over, and stay safe against phishing attacks.
→ Watch here:
Digital security toolkit against gender-based online violence: part 1
Lecturer: Denisse A., co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
This session will offer an introduction to the concept of gender-based online violence, and explore five types of gendered attacks used to limit confidentiality, integrity and access to information by women and sexual and gendered minorities. We will finally identify holistic digital security strategies to prevent, mitigate or recover.
→ Watch here:
A Look Inside Internet Scam Operations
Lecturer: Nikita Mazurov, co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
A deep dive into three types of online fraud: extortion scams, romance scams, and fake job offers. Be able to spot scam emails by learning which red flags to watch out for and how the scams work.
→ Watch here:
Digital security toolkit against gender-based online violence: part 2
Lecturer: Denisse A., co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
Following up on part 1, this session will explore five more gender-based online violence attacks faced by women and sexual and gender minorities. On this occasion, we will focus on different forms of harassment and the challenges of accessing remedy or justice after experiencing online violence. We will finally identify holistic digital security strategies to prevent, mitigate, support or recover.
→ Watch here:
Safeguarding Whistleblowers
Lecturer: Nikita Mazurov, co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
A session both on how to stay safe when leaking information if you're a would-be whistleblower, and how to protect your sources if you're the one receiving leaked information.
→ Watch here:
Digital security risk assessments
Lecturer: Denisse A., co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
This session will offer a step-by-step tutorial on how to produce a digital security risk assessment from a holistic perspective. It will focus on identifying threats, vulnerabilities, measuring impact, with an emphasis on developing resilience and recovery strategies after an attack.
→ Watch here:
All About VPNs
Lecturer: Nikita Mazurov, co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
We've probably all heard about them, but what are VPNs, exactly? When is a good time to use them, and when is it better not to? And finally, when picking a VPN to use, how do you pick one that's right for you?
→ Watch here:
Best practices to reduce harms in projects
Lecturer: Denisse A., co-author of the Digital Enquirer Kit
This session will address risk mitigation strategies to safeguard the wellbeing of individuals and groups while implementing a project. It will address different forms of vulnerabilities that could be exploited or amplified during online interactions during workshops, group work or outreach.
→ Watch here:
Instructional Strategies for Digital Security Training
Lecturer: A. Hayder, Instructional Designer
In this session, we will dig deeper into Digital Security trainings, answering questions such as: what are the particularities of this topic? What do learners often fear or are sceptical about? What could be the different ways to approach it? We will also review some of the best-practices for Digital Security training and awareness. We will dig deeper into some of the frequently used methods like case studies and simulations and how they’re applied to achieve instructional goals.
→ Watch here:
- Nikita Mazurov is a researcher focusing on privacy issues revolving around data archival, source anonymization, and counter-forensics. He co-authored the Digital Enquirer Kit.
- Denisse A. is a Latin American digital rights practitioner working at the intersections of gender, social justice, and technology. She co-authored the Digital Enquirer Kit.
- A. Hayder is an Instructional Designer who has contributed to Tactical Tech resources.
The Digital Enquirer Kit is an e-learning course that guides learners on how to prevent the spread of misinformation, available on and The course covers topics including media literacy, verification, and how to navigate the internet safely.
These events are part of the Digital Enquirer Kit project, and are organized by Tactical Tech in 2022. The Digital Enquirer Kit is produced and funded by The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Disclaimer: These webinars reflect the lecturers’ views. The organizers are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.